850 Commitments found
Nicholas Brooke

PFMD & Synergist Executive Director

As the caregiver and advocate of one, I'll make sure our patient experience is relayed in the most articulated and constructive way since the margin for progress is massive

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By reading and listening to their stories in adverse drug reaction reports.

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Elizabeth Lincoln

Global Director of Engagement

I commit to reviewing materials and processes with patients who would be impacted.

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Cathryn Clary

Commited to partnering to advance innovation for patients

I commit to continuing to hear from and partner with patient groups to drive a more patient focused clinical trials process

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Geraint Thomas

Patient Affairs Director Amgen Europe

Bringing patient insights into everything we do at Amgen

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As I work with clients, I will push to make sure they listen to patients regarding the solutions they are working on.

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I will work with patients to improve the health care system.

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I will seek the insights of patients in the development of expanded access protocols.

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I will seek the insights of patients during clinical planning of development programs

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Haz el compromiso

Haga un compromiso con los pacientes, un compromiso concreto con una participación significativa del paciente.

Haz el compromiso