850 Commitments found

To take at least 3 meetings with patient's organizations in order to better understand their needs

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Based on these meetings to design a plan to support them

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Jan Geissler

Patient Advocate and Social Entrepreneur

I am committed to facilitate patient engagement in R&D by increasing the "system readiness" in patient organisations, academic groups and pharma to involve patient experts in a meaningful way.

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Shere our stories, make difference.

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I commit to listening to patient and caregiver experiences and helping others from what I learn.

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I commit to creating a culture where my team is encouraged to share patient experiences and participate in patient community activities.

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Rod Padua

President, Touched by Max Philippines

I commit to be organize at least 2 Lay Forums every year

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I pledge to consult with patients at the beginning of preparations for every one of eyeforpharma's conferences that involve patients. Patient views and wishes will be represented.

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Patient unmet needs are most critical in improving healthcare

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Haz el compromiso

Haga un compromiso con los pacientes, un compromiso concreto con una participación significativa del paciente.

Haz el compromiso