850 Commitments found

We can make the best healthcare system working together

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I would want to advocate communication with patients more and lead the cause of humanity/healthCare

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Danilo Verge

Ensure I seek to understand the needs of patients afflicted with CV, renal and metabolic disease

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Maarten Beekman

At those meetings, I will ask them how we can collaboratively find solutions that will improve patient healthcare

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Punit Kamrah

The enabler are digitization, connected care (IoT), big data (analytics and visualization), convergence of healthcare, IT, Telecom, AI, precision medicine, preventive analytics etc. would like to co create disease area, therapeutic area , advances in treatment , chronic disease management channels, health and wellness portals participated by KOLs and build an ecosystem with accountable and outcome based care

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Punit Kamrah

My vision for healthcare Health Care needs to shift from : 1. Treatment to cure 2. Services to experience 3. Standardized care to personalized care 4. Sameness to uniqueness (every patient is unique) 5. "Listen to doctor" to "listen to patient"....

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Punit Kamrah

The enabler are digitization, connected care (IoT), big data (analytics and visualization), convergence of healthcare, IT, Telecom, AI, precision medicine, preventive analytics etc. would like to co create disease area, therapeutic area , advances in treatment , chronic disease management channels, health and wellness portals participated by KOLs and build an ecosystem with accountable and outcome based care

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Punit Kamrah

The best possible knowledge and advancement in all the related fields to the most precious creation of god who are suffering from disease

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Punit Kamrah

My vision for healthcare Health Care needs to shift from : 1. Treatment to cure 2. Services to experience 3. Standardized care to personalized care 4. Sameness to uniqueness (every patient is unique) 5. "Listen to doctor" to "listen to patient"....

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Haz el compromiso

Haga un compromiso con los pacientes, un compromiso concreto con una participación significativa del paciente.

Haz el compromiso