850 Commitments found

Ensure that we truly listen to what the patient needs are and support them the best way possible

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Working with patients to ensure information is meaningful and informative

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Ensure transparent and respectful communication at all times

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Lynn Hagger

Patient Engagement Director

I pledge to listen carefully to what patient's are telling us about their conditions, and use that knowledge to develop better programs and solutions that will truly meet their needs.

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Lynn Hagger

Patient Engagement Director

I pledge to involve patients early on in the design and development of our products and integrated solutions. Their insight is key to success!

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Lynn Hagger

Patient Engagement Director

I pledge to communicate openly with patients throughout our interactions to promote an environment where we are all working towards the same goal: putting the patient first!

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Helena Chung

Patient Engagement Director for Oncology

Into each project plan, I will build in "patient voice" phase.

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Helena Chung

Patient Engagement Director for Oncology

I will co-create lung cancer disease management tools with patients and their carers.

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Start by listening before talking or informing

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Haz el compromiso

Haga un compromiso con los pacientes, un compromiso concreto con una participación significativa del paciente.

Haz el compromiso