850 Commitments found

Listening to general public & explaining their queries & advisi g when to seal help

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Sheila Khawaja

Patient engagement advisor | co-creator | catalyser

When I listen, I will make sure to understand the holistic aspect of each patient's journey and their respective family and friends. Hearing a sound is not the same as listening to a voice.

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Sheila Khawaja

Patient engagement advisor | co-creator | catalyser

I will ensure that patients who have spoken also have an opportunity to speak their minds and put forward ideas and potential solutions for the community. I will offer my support to connect them with the right people or create teams so their ideas can be developed.

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Sheila Khawaja

Patient engagement advisor | co-creator | catalyser

Transparency is the key to any relationship and this is even more crucial when it comes to our health, treatment options and understanding the complexity of stakeholder relations. I will ensure, to the best of my capabilities, to share as much information and give a voice to those patients who are unable to speak out.

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As the Clinical Director for R&D in my hospital Trust, I will ensure that we co-produce research in a meaningful way with patients in our Trust.

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Informed consent

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Malori Keller

Patient Engagement Platform Lead - Saskatchewan Centre for Patient Oriented Research (HQC)

I commit to co-designing the patient partners database with patients and families in 2018.

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Malori Keller

Patient Engagement Platform Lead - Saskatchewan Centre for Patient Oriented Research (HQC)

I commit to communicating with patients and families with opportunities for and results of engagement in 2018.

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Simon Stones

Doctoral Researcher in Child and Family Health

I will listen to understand what it is really like to be someone else living with health conditions, or caring for loved ones with health conditions.

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Haz el compromiso

Haga un compromiso con los pacientes, un compromiso concreto con una participación significativa del paciente.

Haz el compromiso