850 Commitments found
Roxana Radu

Senior Communication Manager

I pledge to communicate to the best of my abilities about the value of meaningful patient engagement

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Listening to patients voices in co-creating support programs

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Transparency in interactions with Patients Organizations

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Nigel Cook

Driving patient focused initiatives within our patient access & drug development strategies

Using social media listening and qualitative research (online bulletin boards) to understand the patient perspectives and their needs

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Nigel Cook

Driving patient focused initiatives within our patient access & drug development strategies

Conduct patient preference study in collaboration and partnership with patient groups in different countries

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Nigel Cook

Driving patient focused initiatives within our patient access & drug development strategies

Give back to patients and the community by publishing learnings (social media, online bulletin boards, patient preference studies0 in peer-reviewed journals

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Sharareh Hosseinzadeh

Global Head Clinical Patient Engagement -Chief Medical Office at Novartis

Patient Friendly Clinical Study material

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I commit to using the principles of co-production and co-creation in all work involving public contributors

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I commit to ensuring that I continue to strive towards communicating effectively using a variety of methods and using plain English.

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Haz el compromiso

Haga un compromiso con los pacientes, un compromiso concreto con una participación significativa del paciente.

Haz el compromiso