850 Commitments found

I will put more emphasis on feedback to people about the impact of their involvement.

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To co-create with patients my presentations and involvement in conferences and events as much as possible

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To communicate honestly and in a timely fashion what is happening in public involvement in the NIHR and enable people to feedback on what we are doing.

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Rosie Davies

Research Fellow (Patient and Public Involvement)

I found some of the sessions on creative public involvement great (INVOLVE Conference, 2017). My pledge is to consider how we might identify a project to work on more like this and a skilled collaborator. But, I’m aware that this might need a lot of capacity which is a challenge.

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Lidewij Eva Vat

Multi-Stakeholder engagement I System Innovation I Co-learning & Co-creation I Research and Implementation

I will continue co-creating and delivering training sessions with patients

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More meaningful Patient centricity in clinical trial stting

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I pledge to do all I can to make sure that all voices are heard, not just the voices of those that we can already hear or those that shout loudest.

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I pledge to work with my local partners and regional network to have more joined-up communication.

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I will actively involve a diverse number of patients, the public and carers in developing and shaping our future work using a variety of avenues to listen to their voices, through varied communication and media that suits the needs of public contributors.

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Haz el compromiso

Haga un compromiso con los pacientes, un compromiso concreto con una participación significativa del paciente.

Haz el compromiso