850 Commitments found
Kyle Srinivasan

Patient Engagement Director

I will work to systematically integrate the patient perspective in development of medicines. To do this, I must establish open lines of communication with patients to have a two way dialog.

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Elizabeth Lincoln

Global Director of Engagement

I commit to continuing to co-creating materials and processes with patients wherever possible.

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Cathryn Clary

Commited to partnering to advance innovation for patients

I commit to listening to what patients say about our ICF and their experience in trials

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Geraint Thomas

Patient Affairs Director Amgen Europe

Ensuring new education materials are 'tested' and co developed with patient collaboration

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Social media, one-on-one conversation, presentations, conferences, local communities: I commit to communicating with people (we are all patients) in the betterment of quality of lives everywhere.

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I will seek out the thoughts of patients during the development of innovative clinical protocol design and assessments

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To involve colleagues from other areas to have a brighter scope and better results

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Jan Geissler

Patient Advocate and Social Entrepreneur

I have been running our online platform for German-speaking leukemia patients for more than 14 years, and have helped to found and grow the CML Advocates Network for more than 10 years. I am supporting CML patients on a daily basis. This keeps me close to the real need of real patients, over and above being a cancer survivor myself now for 16 years...

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Jan Geissler

Patient Advocate and Social Entrepreneur

I am involved in a number of educational activities and networks that work on patient information and patient empowerment, including EUPATI, PFMD, EURORDIS, Leukaemie-Online, CML Advocates Network, Acute Leukemia Advocates Network, WECAN and many more.

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Haz el compromiso

Haga un compromiso con los pacientes, un compromiso concreto con una participación significativa del paciente.

Haz el compromiso