850 Commitments found
Sarah Krug

Executive Director

I commit to co-designing solutions with patients and their caregivers by first working with them to identify and prioritize the issues. I also commit to empowering patients and caregivers to participate in co-design projects by providing them with coaching, tools and resources.

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Sarah Krug

Executive Director

I commit to communicating with patients and their caregivers in a manner that translates high science into layman's terms and incorporate methodology such as "teach back" to ensure that information conveyed is understood.

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I commit to engaging patients in design, acting on patients insights, and co-developing better solutions with patients, for patients.

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Involve ssytematically patients in any strategy I am developing

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Debra Michaels

Senior Scientist; Patient Engagement Thought Leadership Lead

I will invite patients to join the planning committees in the formative stages of my meetings and projects

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Always ready and willing to listen, act upon findings and learn lessons from others experience as well as my own

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Keep patients as my reason for "being" as a healthcare worker

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Kyle Srinivasan

Patient Engagement Director

I will work to systematically integrate the patient perspective in development of medicines. To do this, I must listen to the patient needs through patient forums, surveys and other channels.

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Kyle Srinivasan

Patient Engagement Director

As an active member of PFMD, I am co-developing solutions to advance patient engagement with patients, regulators, patient advocacy groups and industry partners.

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Haz el compromiso

Haga un compromiso con los pacientes, un compromiso concreto con una participación significativa del paciente.

Haz el compromiso