850 Commitments found
Ans Ruiz Díaz


Trabajo en progreso
Chi Pakarinen

Project Manager

I will talk to at least 1 patient representative whenever I organise a meeting or workshop that involves patients, to ensure that we can make needed accommodations to the meeting practicalities where possible to facilitate and encourage patients' participation.

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Charlotte Lelong

Best support our customers in their development projects and always link to patients usability and requirements to ensure confort and compliance to their treatment

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Lilia Petit Ben Saidane

Program Manager & Independent trainer

I commit to provide feedback to patients participating to user testing within our development projects so that they can get an insight of their role as a project partner.

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Norbert Feigler

I will play a more active role with our patient groups, to better understand their perspective and desires for treatment and living with their conditions.

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Alan Paul

Ensuring the patient voice and pathway is always front of mind

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Alan Paul

Ensuring the patient voice and pathway is always front of mind

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Lorraine Johnson

We will provide patients with the tools to create a research engine that is patient-centered and create the largest study of Lyme disease ever conducted with our patient registry, MyLymeData.

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Lorraine Johnson

We will put patients at the center and hold and communicate their values to make change. We will do this by empowering our community and building an infrastructure that will maintain this patient-centered power.

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Haz el compromiso

Haga un compromiso con los pacientes, un compromiso concreto con una participación significativa del paciente.

Haz el compromiso