850 Commitments found
Cathy Trzaskawka

I commit to meeting with and listening to patient advocates and their needs.

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Levent Alcan

•I will attend the (annual) meeting of (tbd) patient group, and share my insights with my team

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Martin Kelly

To have patients actively involved in all our events

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Ken Choy

Learn n share w pgs

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Vee Mapunde

Programme Director at NIHR Surgical MedTech Co-operative

We will involve our patients in the development of our PPI strategy and reports. We will ensure that patients and their carers are actively involved in various stages of our projects We will co-create a training/educational package with patients and the public for researchers

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Jack Follweiler

Support the organization in patient engagements.

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Rogier Koning

Founder / CEO

What we have build until now is made with fellow patients. As being a patient myself it was easy to get a group together and get a lot of feedback for every step we will be building. Join nobism.com if you want to help.

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Faustine MUNOZ

•For my next markt research projetc I will gain input from a patient before starting (and at least twice during) the work

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Faustine MUNOZ

•I will proactively share my plans/proposals for patient relevant projects (support programs, information piece) with at least 3 patient organisations •I will attend a patient (group) meeting to personally do a Q&A about our next patient relevant initiative

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Haz el compromiso

Haga un compromiso con los pacientes, un compromiso concreto con una participación significativa del paciente.

Haz el compromiso