850 Commitments found

Engage to define patient centred outcomes

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Jim Elliott

Public Involvement Lead at the Health Research Authority

As Public Involvement Lead for the Health Research Authority in the UK I will enable the contribution patients make to the design of clinical studies to positively assure Research Ethics Committees that the studies will be acceptable to prospective participants and so help the review process

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Gary Finnegan


I commit to thinking of patients first and last each time I communicate about health and medicine.

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I will work with potential study participants to create patient support materials/information that they feel is needed and helpful

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Marleen Kaatee


Making sure we have consulted the patients (e.g. via surveys & one-on-one conversations etc.) and their voices are embedded in all our activities.

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Marleen Kaatee


Giving patients the opportunity to engage in our activities.

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Marleen Kaatee


Making sure there’s a two-way communication loop, adding lay versions in as many languages as we can publish.

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Helena Harnik

Programs Director

I commit to practicing empathy and listening to new points of views and ideas without prejudice.

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Haz el compromiso

Haga un compromiso con los pacientes, un compromiso concreto con una participación significativa del paciente.

Haz el compromiso