850 Commitments found
Haresh Somai


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Berisha Albert


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Catherine Billoët

Medical Affairs World Business Line Strategy and Development Air Liquide Healthcare International

What is the real need? the only one patients are complaining about

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Catherine Billoët

Medical Affairs World Business Line Strategy and Development Air Liquide Healthcare International

If it is not usable by patient, it is of no use

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Susan Hundley

Clinical Director

Create programs that truly add value to patients and make a difference in their lives

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Joost Melis

To actively reach out and obtain feedback on patient's and caregivers' experiences

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Joost Melis

To continue my efforts to have patient's perspectives included in Clinical Development in/before early stage protocol designs

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Joost Melis

To have at least 1-2 contacts with patients each year

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Lona Vincent


I commit to always listening to our customers.

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Haz el compromiso

Haga un compromiso con los pacientes, un compromiso concreto con una participación significativa del paciente.

Haz el compromiso