850 Commitments found
Bruce Lavin

Provide updates and insights gathered during external engagement activities

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Bram Goorden

Working with cancer patients every day to better and inform HCPs and regulators about the options for improved care.

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Nolan Ritcey

Commitment to public availability of patient-centered research.

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Katherine Capperella

Global Patient Engagement Leader

I will share with patients examples of what we have done differently, based on patient feedback.

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Dominique Hamerlijnck

Patient advocate/experience expert

I will work together with others to create dialogue on an equal basis, each with our own expertise to create a new reality where patients are an integral part of co-creating the future in care, medicine, medical devices, HTA, CEA and wherever else it is needed or necessary.

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Dominique Hamerlijnck

Patient advocate/experience expert

I will engage, inform, empower as many patients as I can to take part in all initiatives where we are asked to participate and will try and get patients involved where the patient voice is not yet heard.

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Laura Mckeaveney

Chair TinyLife, GAVI Chief People and Experience Officer, Advisor The Synergist

I will work with my head, my heart and my guts to identify and push for inclusion of patient insights in our daily work.

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Karen Cheng

Build a platform for patients to sound out their experience.

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Karen Cheng

Involve patients in advisory boards on topics to improve our understanding of their disease and treatment.

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Haz el compromiso

Haga un compromiso con los pacientes, un compromiso concreto con una participación significativa del paciente.

Haz el compromiso