850 Commitments found

I will seek through myinvolvement with project steering group committee meetings that patient views are considered.

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Whilst working adviser & worked with patients needing anticoagulant & thrombotic treatments Also spent several years in oncology in advisory nurse role

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Continual communication

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Only if there is a level playing field

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Let Peers helps each other

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Malori Keller

Patient Engagement Platform Lead - Saskatchewan Centre for Patient Oriented Research (HQC)

I will listen the voice of patients and families and help to bring them together with leaders in our province.

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Simon Stones

Doctoral Researcher in Child and Family Health

I will strive to ensure that patients and their families are involved at every stage of research in a meaningful way.

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Simon Stones

Doctoral Researcher in Child and Family Health

I make it my mission to ensure that research belongs to everyone. I will challenge the norm and historical ways of working to ensure that any research I am involved with is accessible to everyone, regardless of experience.

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I will ensure that I use plain language in all my communications, and I will be more vocal in encouraging others to use plain language when communicating with the public, colleagues and organisations.

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Haz el compromiso

Haga un compromiso con los pacientes, un compromiso concreto con una participación significativa del paciente.

Haz el compromiso